# Cloudflare Firewall Discord Webhook yes. ![assets/1617749859-nicememe.8LjIKiH1ECHwQX7h3Ix.png](assets/1617749859-nicememe.8LjIKiH1ECHwQX7h3Ix.png) ## Setup **Step 1:** Read source code because I'm too lazy to write proper instructions **Step 2:** Get an API key Go to [https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens](https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens) and create a new token, with the following permissions: ![assets/1617750671-nicememe.L0cFCxLqyEDYNNZRw2f.png](assets/1617750671-nicememe.L0cFCxLqyEDYNNZRw2f.png) **Step 3:** Set environment variables Create a file called `.env` in the project root: CF_TOKEN=The previously created token WEBHOOK_ID=The ID of the Discord Webhook WEBHOOK_SECRET=The Webhook's token CF_ZONES_BLACKLIST=(Optional) Comma-seperated list of domains (Zone IDs!) that should not be monitored. Note that I have no idea if `CF_ZONES_BLACKLIST` even works simply because I'm too lazy to test it. **Step 4:** Run it `npm install` and `node .` yada yada ya