2023-06-28 15:50:57 +02:00

362 lines
16 KiB

import { Message } from "revolt.js";
import { ulid } from "ulid";
import { SendableEmbed } from "revolt-api";
import { CONFIG_KEYS } from "automod/dist/misc/bridge_config_keys";
import { dbs } from "../../..";
import CommandCategory from "../../../struct/commands/CommandCategory";
import SimpleCommand from "../../../struct/commands/SimpleCommand";
import MessageCommandContext from "../../../struct/MessageCommandContext";
import { DEFAULT_PREFIX } from "../../modules/command_handler";
import {
} from "../../util";
"https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=965692929643524136&permissions=536996864&scope=bot%20applications.commands"; // todo: read this from env or smth
export default {
name: "bridge",
aliases: null,
description: "Bridge a channel with Discord",
category: CommandCategory.Misc,
run: async (message: MessageCommandContext, args: string[]) => {
switch (args[0]?.toLowerCase()) {
case "link": {
if (!(await isBotManager(message)))
return message.reply(NO_MANAGER_MSG);
const count = await dbs.BRIDGE_CONFIG.count({
revolt: message.channelId,
if (count)
return message.reply(`This channel is already bridged.`);
// Invalidate previous bridge request
await dbs.BRIDGE_REQUESTS.remove({
revolt: message.channelId,
const reqId = ulid();
await dbs.BRIDGE_REQUESTS.insert({
id: reqId,
revolt: message.channelId,
expires: Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 15,
let text =
`### Link request created.\n` +
`Request ID: \`${reqId}\`\n\n` +
`[Invite the bridge bot to your Discord server](<${DISCORD_INVITE_URL}>) ` +
`and run \`/bridge confirm ${reqId}\` in the channel you wish to link.\n` +
`This request expires in 15 minutes.`;
if (
!message.channel!.havePermission("Masquerade") ||
!message.channel!.havePermission("SendEmbeds") ||
) {
text +=
"\n\n> :warning: I currently don't have all required permissions in this " +
'channel for the bridge to work. Please make sure to grant the "Masquerade", ' +
'"Upload Files" and "Send Embeds" permission.';
await message.reply(text, false);
case "unlink": {
if (!(await isBotManager(message)))
return message.reply(NO_MANAGER_MSG);
const res = await dbs.BRIDGE_CONFIG.remove({
revolt: message.channelId,
if (res.deletedCount) await message.reply(`Channel unlinked!`);
await message.reply(`Unable to unlink; no channel linked.`);
case "unlink_all": {
if (!(await isBotManager(message)))
return message.reply(NO_MANAGER_MSG);
const query = {
revolt: { $in: Array.from(message.channel?.server?.channelIds.values() ?? []) },
if (args[1] == "CONFIRM") {
const res = await dbs.BRIDGE_CONFIG.remove(query);
if (res.deletedCount) {
await message.reply(
`All channels have been unlinked. (Count: **${res.deletedCount}**)`
} else {
await message.reply(
`No bridged channels found; nothing to delete.`
} else {
const res = await dbs.BRIDGE_CONFIG.count(query);
if (!res)
await message.reply(
`No bridged channels found; nothing to delete.`
else {
await message.reply(
`${res} bridged channels found. ` +
`Run \`${DEFAULT_PREFIX}bridge unlink_all CONFIRM\` to confirm deletion.`
case "list": {
if (!(await isBotManager(message)))
return message.reply(NO_MANAGER_MSG);
const links = await dbs.BRIDGE_CONFIG.find({
revolt: { $in: Array.from(message.channel?.server?.channelIds.values() ?? []) },
await message.reply({
content: "#",
embeds: [
title: `Bridges in ${message.channel?.server?.name}`,
`**${links.length}** bridged channels found.\n\n` +
(l) =>
`<#${l.revolt}> **->** ${l.discord}`
case "info": {
try {
if (!message.replyIds) {
return await message.reply(
"Please run this command again while replying to a message."
if (
message.replyIds.length > 1 &&
!(await isModerator(message, false))
) {
return await message.reply(
"To avoid spam, only moderators are allowed to query bridge info for more than one message at a time."
const messages = (
await Promise.allSettled(
message.replyIds.map((m) =>
) || []
.filter((m) => m.status == "fulfilled")
(m) => (m as PromiseFulfilledResult<Message>).value
if (!messages.length) {
return await message.reply(
"Something went wrong; could not fetch the target message(s)."
const embeds: SendableEmbed[] = await Promise.all(
messages.map(async (msg) => {
const bridgeData =
await dbs.BRIDGED_MESSAGES.findOne({
"revolt.messageId": msg.id,
const embed: SendableEmbed = bridgeData
? {
url: msg.url,
title: `Message ${
bridgeData?.origin == "revolt"
? `by ${msg.author?.username}`
: "from Discord"
colour: "#7e96ff",
`**Origin:** ${
bridgeData.origin == "revolt"
? "Revolt"
: "Discord"
}\n` +
`**Bridge Status:** ${
bridgeData.origin == "revolt"
? bridgeData.discord.messageId
? "Bridged"
: "Unbridged"
: bridgeData.revolt.messageId
? "Bridged"
: bridgeData.revolt.nonce
? "ID unknown"
: "Unbridged"
}\n` +
`### Bridge Data\n` +
`Origin: \`${bridgeData.origin}\`\n` +
`Discord ID: \`${bridgeData.discord.messageId}\`\n` +
`Revolt ID: \`${bridgeData.revolt.messageId}\`\n` +
`Revolt Nonce: \`${bridgeData.revolt.nonce}\`\n` +
`Discord Channel: \`${bridgeData.channels?.discord}\`\n` +
`Revolt Channel: \`${bridgeData.channels?.revolt}\``,
: {
url: msg.url,
title: `Message by ${msg.author?.username}`,
"This message has not been bridged.",
colour: "#7e96ff",
return embed;
await message.reply({ embeds }, false);
} catch (e) {
message.reply("" + e)?.catch(() => {});
case "status": {
const link = await dbs.BRIDGE_CONFIG.findOne({
revolt: message.channelId,
if (!link)
return await message.reply({
embeds: [
"This channel is **not** bridged, and no message data is being sent to Discord.",
"Bridge status",
return await message.reply({
embeds: [
"This channel is bridged to Discord. Please refer to the [Privacy Policy](<https://github.com/sussycatgirl/automod/wiki/Privacy-Policy>) for more info.",
"Bridge Status",
case "config": {
if (!(await isBotManager(message)))
return message.reply(NO_MANAGER_MSG);
const [_, configKey, newVal]: (string | undefined)[] = args;
if (!configKey) {
return await message.reply({
embeds: [
title: "Bridge Configuration",
`To modify a configuration option, run ${DEFAULT_PREFIX}bridge config <key> [true|false].\n\n` +
`**Available configuration keys:**` +
(key) => `\n- ${key}`
if (!Object.keys(CONFIG_KEYS).includes(configKey)) {
return await message.reply("Unknown configuration key.");
const key = CONFIG_KEYS[configKey as keyof typeof CONFIG_KEYS];
if (!newVal) {
const bridgeConfig = await dbs.BRIDGE_CONFIG.findOne({
revolt: message.channelId,
return await message.reply({
embeds: [
title: "Bridge Configuration: " + configKey,
description: `**${key.friendlyName}**\n${
}\n\nCurrent value: **${
configKey as keyof typeof CONFIG_KEYS
if (newVal != "true" && newVal != "false") {
return await message.reply(
"Value needs to be either `true` or `false`."
await dbs.BRIDGE_CONFIG.update(
{ revolt: message.channelId },
$set: { [`config.${configKey}`]: newVal == "true" },
$setOnInsert: { revolt: message.channelId },
{ upsert: true }
return await message.reply(
`Configuration key **${configKey}** has been updated to **${newVal}**.`
case "help": {
await message.reply({
content: "#",
embeds: [
title: "Discord Bridge",
`Bridges allow you to link your Revolt server to a Discord server ` +
`by relaying all messages.\n\n` +
`To link a channel, first run \`${DEFAULT_PREFIX}bridge link\` on Revolt. ` +
`This will provide you with a link ID.\n` +
`On Discord, first [add the Bridge bot to your server](<${DISCORD_INVITE_URL}>), ` +
`then run the command: \`/bridge confirm [ID]\`.\n\n` +
`You can list all bridges in a Revolt server by running \`${DEFAULT_PREFIX}bridge list\`\n\n` +
`To unlink a channel, run \`/bridge unlink\` from either Discord or Revolt. If you wish to ` +
`unbridge all channels in a Revolt server, run \`${DEFAULT_PREFIX}bridge unlink_all\`.\n` +
`To view bridge info about a particular message, run \`${DEFAULT_PREFIX}bridge info\` ` +
`while replying to the message.\n` +
`You can customize how the bridge behaves using \`${DEFAULT_PREFIX}bridge config\`.`,
default: {
await message.reply(
`Run \`${DEFAULT_PREFIX}bridge help\` for help.`
} as SimpleCommand;