2023-04-12 21:17:34 +02:00

68 lines
2.9 KiB

import SimpleCommand from "../../../struct/commands/SimpleCommand";
import { isBotManager, NO_MANAGER_MSG, parseUser } from "../../util";
import { client, dbs } from "../../..";
import { User } from "revolt.js";
import MessageCommandContext from "../../../struct/MessageCommandContext";
import CommandCategory from "../../../struct/commands/CommandCategory";
const SYNTAX = '/mod add @user; /mod remove @user; /mod list';
// yes this is bot_manager.ts copypasted
export default {
name: 'moderator',
aliases: [ 'moderators', 'mod', 'mods' ],
description: 'Allow users to moderate other users',
syntax: SYNTAX,
category: CommandCategory.Config,
run: async (message: MessageCommandContext, args: string[]) => {
if (!await isBotManager(message)) return message.reply(NO_MANAGER_MSG);
let config = await dbs.SERVERS.findOne({ id: message.serverContext.id });
let mods = config?.moderators ?? [];
let user: User|null;
switch(args[0]?.toLowerCase()) {
case 'add':
case 'new':
if (!args[1]) return message.reply('No user specified.');
user = await parseUser(args[1]);
if (!user) return message.reply('I can\'t find that user.');
if (mods.indexOf(user.id) > -1) return message.reply('This user is already added as moderator.');
await dbs.SERVERS.update({ id: message.serverContext.id }, { $set: { moderators: mods } });
message.reply(`✅ Added [@${user.username}](/@${user.id}) to moderators.`);
case 'remove':
case 'delete':
case 'rm':
case 'del':
if (!args[1]) return message.reply('No user specified.');
user = await parseUser(args[1]);
if (!user) return message.reply('I can\'t find that user.');
if (mods.indexOf(user.id) == -1) return message.reply('This user is not added as moderator.');
mods = mods.filter(a => a != user?.id);
await dbs.SERVERS.update({ id: message.serverContext.id }, { $set: { moderators: mods } });
message.reply(`✅ Removed [@${user.username}](/@${user.id}) from moderators.`);
case 'list':
case 'ls':
case 'show':
message.reply(`# Moderators\n`
+ `Bot admins can add or remove moderators.\n\n`
+ `${mods.map(a => `* [${client.users.get(a)?.username ?? a}](/@${a})`).join('\n')}\n\n`
+ `${mods.length} user${mods.length == 1 ? '' : 's'}.`)
?.catch(e => message.reply(e));
message.reply(`Available subcommands: ${SYNTAX}`);
} as SimpleCommand;