
279 lines
10 KiB

import {promisified} from 'tauri/api/tauri';
import {listen} from 'tauri/api/event';
import {Component, Vue} from 'vue-property-decorator';
export type DevId = { address: number; busNumber: number };
function devToString(dev: DevId) {
return `${dev.busNumber}:${dev.address}`;
function stringToDev(dev: string): DevId {
const parts = dev.split(':');
// eslint-disable-next-line
return {busNumber: Number.parseInt(parts[0]), address: Number.parseInt(parts[1])};
export type Version = { major: number; minor: number; patch: number; build: number };
export type Lcd = { width: number; height: number; bpp: number; sample_mode: number };
export type HardwareType =
| "Cas"
| "NonCas"
| "CasCx"
| "NonCasCx"
| { Unknown: number };
// The current state of the calculator.
export type RunLevel =
| "Recovery"
| "Os"
| { Unknown: number };
export type Battery =
| "Powered"
| "Low"
| "Ok"
| { Unknown: number };
export type Info = { free_storage: number; total_storage: number; free_ram: number; total_ram: number; version: Version; boot1_version: Version; boot2_version: Version; hw_type: HardwareType; clock_speed: number; lcd: Lcd; os_extension: string; file_extension: string; name: string; id: string; run_level: RunLevel; battery: Battery; is_charging: boolean };
export type FileInfo = { path: string; isDir: boolean; date: number; size: number };
export type Progress = { remaining: number; total: number };
export type PartialCmd = { action: 'download'; path: [string, number]; dest: string }
| { action: 'upload'; path: string; src: string }
| { action: 'uploadOs'; src: string }
| { action: 'deleteFile'; path: string }
| { action: 'deleteDir'; path: string }
| { action: 'createDir'; path: string }
| { action: 'move'; src: string; dest: string }
| { action: 'copy'; src: string; dest: string };
export type Cmd = { id: number } & PartialCmd;
export type Device = { name: string; info?: Info; progress?: Progress; queue?: Cmd[]; running?: boolean };
async function downloadFile(dev: DevId | string, path: [string, number], dest: string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'downloadFile', path, dest});
async function uploadFile(dev: DevId | string, path: string, src: string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'uploadFile', path, src});
async function uploadOs(dev: DevId | string, src: string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'uploadOs', src});
async function deleteFile(dev: DevId | string, path: string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'deleteFile', path});
async function deleteDir(dev: DevId | string, path: string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'deleteDir', path});
async function createDir(dev: DevId | string, path: string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'createNspireDir', path});
async function move(dev: DevId | string, src: string, dest: string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'move', src, dest});
async function copy(dev: DevId | string, src: string, dest: string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'copy', src, dest});
async function listDir(dev: DevId | string, path: string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
return await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'listDir', path}) as FileInfo[];
async function listAll(dev: DevId | string, path: FileInfo): Promise<FileInfo[]> {
if (!path.isDir) return [path];
try {
const contents = await listDir(dev, path.path);
const parts: FileInfo[] = [];
for (const file of contents) {
parts.push(...(await listAll(dev, {...file, path: `${path.path}/${file.path}`})));
return parts;
} catch (e) {
console.error(path, e);
return [];
let queueId = 0;
class Devices extends Vue {
devices: Record<string, Device> = {};
created() {
promisified({cmd: 'enumerate'}).then(devs => {
for (const dev of devs as (Device & DevId)[]) {
this.$set(this.devices, devToString(dev as DevId), dev);
}, console.error);
listen('addDevice', dev => {
const payload = dev.payload as Device & DevId;
const str = devToString(payload);
const existing = this.devices[str] || {};
this.$set(this.devices, str, {...existing, ...payload});
listen('removeDevice', dev => {
this.$delete(this.devices, devToString(dev.payload as DevId));
listen('progress', dev => {
const payload = dev.payload as Progress & DevId;
const str = devToString(payload);
this.$set(this.devices[str], 'progress', payload);
async runQueue(dev: DevId | string) {
if (typeof dev !== 'string') dev = devToString(dev);
const device = this.devices[dev];
if (!device?.queue || device.running) return;
this.$set(device, 'running', true);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
// The device has been removed
if (!this.devices[dev]) return;
const cmd = device.queue[0];
if (!cmd) {
device.running = false;
try {
if (cmd.action === 'download') {
await downloadFile(dev, cmd.path, cmd.dest);
} else if (cmd.action === 'upload') {
await uploadFile(dev, cmd.path, cmd.src);
} else if (cmd.action === 'uploadOs') {
await uploadOs(dev, cmd.src);
} else if (cmd.action === 'deleteFile') {
await deleteFile(dev, cmd.path);
} else if (cmd.action === 'deleteDir') {
await deleteDir(dev, cmd.path);
} else if (cmd.action === 'createDir') {
await createDir(dev, cmd.path);
} else if (cmd.action === 'move') {
await move(dev, cmd.src, cmd.dest);
} else if (cmd.action === 'copy') {
await copy(dev, cmd.src, cmd.dest);
} catch (e) {
if ('progress' in device) this.$delete(device, 'progress');
await this.update(dev);
private addToQueue(dev: string, ...cmds: PartialCmd[]) {
const device = this.devices[dev];
if (!device) return;
if (!device.queue) {
this.$set(device, 'queue', []);
device.queue?.push(...cmds.map(cmd => ({...cmd, id: queueId++} as Cmd)));
async open(dev: DevId | string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
const info = await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'openDevice'});
this.$set(this.devices[devToString(dev)], 'info', info);
async close(dev: DevId | string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'closeDevice'});
this.$delete(this.devices[devToString(dev)], 'info');
async update(dev: DevId | string) {
if (typeof dev === 'string') dev = stringToDev(dev);
const info = await promisified({...dev, cmd: 'updateDevice'});
this.$set(this.devices[devToString(dev)], 'info', info);
async listDir(dev: DevId | string, path: string) {
return await listDir(dev, path);
async promptUploadFiles(dev: DevId | string, path: string) {
if (typeof dev !== 'string') dev = devToString(dev);
const files = await promisified({cmd: 'selectFiles', filter: ['tns']}) as string[];
for (const src of files) {
this.addToQueue(dev, {action: 'upload', path, src});
async uploadOs(dev: DevId | string, filter: string) {
if (typeof dev !== 'string') dev = devToString(dev);
const src = await promisified({cmd: 'selectFile', filter: [filter]}) as string | null;
if (!src) return;
this.addToQueue(dev, {action: 'uploadOs', src});
async downloadFiles(dev: DevId | string, files: [string, number][]) {
if (typeof dev !== 'string') dev = devToString(dev);
const dest = await promisified({cmd: 'selectFolder'}) as string | null;
if (!dest) return;
for (const path of files) {
this.addToQueue(dev, {action: 'download', path, dest});
async delete(dev: DevId | string, files: FileInfo[]) {
if (typeof dev !== 'string') dev = devToString(dev);
const toDelete: FileInfo[] = [];
for (const file of files) {
toDelete.push(...await listAll(dev, file));
for (const file of toDelete) {
this.addToQueue(dev, {action: file.isDir ? 'deleteDir' : 'deleteFile', path: file.path});
async createDir(dev: DevId | string, path: string) {
if (typeof dev !== 'string') dev = devToString(dev);
this.addToQueue(dev, {action: 'createDir', path});
async copy(dev: DevId | string, src: string, dest: string) {
if (typeof dev !== 'string') dev = devToString(dev);
this.addToQueue(dev, {action: 'copy', src, dest});
async move(dev: DevId | string, src: string, dest: string) {
if (typeof dev !== 'string') dev = devToString(dev);
this.addToQueue(dev, {action: 'move', src, dest});
const devices = new Devices();
export default devices;
Vue.prototype.$devices = devices;
declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
// 3. Declare augmentation for Vue
interface Vue {
$devices: Devices;