twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

186 lines
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package com.twitter.tweetypie.client_id
import com.twitter.finagle.mtls.authentication.EmptyServiceIdentifier
import com.twitter.finagle.mtls.authentication.ServiceIdentifier
import com.twitter.finagle.mtls.transport.S2STransport
import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ClientId
import com.twitter.servo.util.Gate
import com.twitter.strato.access.Access
import com.twitter.strato.access.Access.ForwardedServiceIdentifier
object ClientIdHelper {
val UnknownClientId = "unknown"
def default: ClientIdHelper = new ClientIdHelper(UseTransportServiceIdentifier)
* Trims off the last .element, which is usually .prod or .staging
def getClientIdRoot(clientId: String): String =
clientId.lastIndexOf('.') match {
case -1 => clientId
case idx => clientId.substring(0, idx)
* Returns the last .element without the '.'
def getClientIdEnv(clientId: String): String =
clientId.lastIndexOf('.') match {
case -1 => clientId
case idx => clientId.substring(idx + 1)
private[client_id] def asClientId(s: ServiceIdentifier): String = s"${s.service}.${s.environment}"
class ClientIdHelper(serviceIdentifierStrategy: ServiceIdentifierStrategy) {
private[client_id] val ProcessPathPrefix = "/p/"
* The effective client id is used for request authorization and metrics
* attribution. For calls to Tweetypie's thrift API, the thrift ClientId
* is used and is expected in the form of "service-name.env". Federated
* Strato clients don't support configured ClientIds and instead provide
* a "process path" containing instance-specific information. So for
* calls to the federated API, we compute an effective client id from
* the ServiceIdentifier, if present, in Strato's Access principles. The
* implementation avoids computing this identifier unless necessary,
* since this method is invoked on every request.
def effectiveClientId: Option[String] = {
val clientId: Option[String] =
// Exclude process paths because they are instance-specific and aren't
// supported by tweetypie for authorization or metrics purposes.
// Try computing a value from the ServiceId if the thrift
// ClientId is undefined or unsupported.
// Ultimately fall back to the ClientId value, even when given an
// unsupported format, so that error text and debug logs include
// the value passed by the caller.
def effectiveClientIdRoot: Option[String] =
def effectiveServiceIdentifier: Option[ServiceIdentifier] =
/** Logic how to find a [[ServiceIdentifier]] for the purpose of crafting a client ID. */
trait ServiceIdentifierStrategy {
def serviceIdentifier: Option[ServiceIdentifier]
* Returns the only element of given [[Set]] or [[None]].
* This utility is used defensively against a set of principals collected
* from [[Access.getPrincipals]]. While the contract is that there should be at most one
* instance of each principal kind present in that set, in practice that has not been the case
* always. The safest strategy to in that case is to abandon a set completely if more than
* one principals are competing.
final protected def onlyElement[T](set: Set[T]): Option[T] =
if (set.size <= 1) {
} else {
* Picks [[ServiceIdentifier]] from Finagle SSL Transport, if one exists.
* This works for both Thrift API calls as well as StratoFed API calls. Strato's
* [[Access#getPrincipals]] collection, which would typically be consulted by StratoFed
* column logic, contains the same [[ServiceIdentifier]] derived from the Finagle SSL
* transport, so there's no need to have separate strategies for Thrift vs StratoFed
* calls.
* This is the default behavior of using [[ServiceIdentifier]] for computing client ID.
private[client_id] class UseTransportServiceIdentifier(
// overridable for testing
getPeerServiceIdentifier: => ServiceIdentifier,
) extends ServiceIdentifierStrategy {
override def serviceIdentifier: Option[ServiceIdentifier] =
getPeerServiceIdentifier match {
case EmptyServiceIdentifier => None
case si => Some(si)
object UseTransportServiceIdentifier
extends UseTransportServiceIdentifier(S2STransport.peerServiceIdentifier)
* Picks [[ForwardedServiceIdentifier]] from Strato principals for client ID
* if [[ServiceIdentifier]] points at call coming from Strato.
* If not present, falls back to [[UseTransportServiceIdentifier]] behavior.
* Tweetypie utilizes the strategy to pick [[ServiceIdentifier]] for the purpose
* of generating a client ID when the client ID is absent or unknown.
* [[PreferForwardedServiceIdentifierForStrato]] looks for the [[ForwardedServiceIdentifier]]
* values set by stratoserver request.
* The reason is, stratoserver is effectively a conduit, forwarding the [[ServiceIdentifier]]
* of the _actual client_ that is calling stratoserver.
* Any direct callers not going through stratoserver will default to [[ServiceIdentfier]].
private[client_id] class PreferForwardedServiceIdentifierForStrato(
// overridable for testing
getPeerServiceIdentifier: => ServiceIdentifier,
) extends ServiceIdentifierStrategy {
val useTransportServiceIdentifier =
new UseTransportServiceIdentifier(getPeerServiceIdentifier)
override def serviceIdentifier: Option[ServiceIdentifier] =
useTransportServiceIdentifier.serviceIdentifier match {
case Some(serviceIdentifier) if isStrato(serviceIdentifier) =>
.collect {
case forwarded: ForwardedServiceIdentifier =>
case other => other
* Strato uses various service names like "stratoserver" and "stratoserver-patient".
* They all do start with "stratoserver" though, so at the point of implementing,
* the safest bet to recognize strato is to look for this prefix.
* This also works for staged strato instances (which it should), despite allowing
* for technically any caller to force this strategy, by creating service certificate
* with this service name.
private def isStrato(serviceIdentifier: ServiceIdentifier): Boolean =
object PreferForwardedServiceIdentifierForStrato
extends PreferForwardedServiceIdentifierForStrato(S2STransport.peerServiceIdentifier)
* [[ServiceIdentifierStrategy]] which dispatches between two delegates based on the value
* of a unitary decider every time [[serviceIdentifier]] is called.
class ConditionalServiceIdentifierStrategy(
private val condition: Gate[Unit],
private val ifTrue: ServiceIdentifierStrategy,
private val ifFalse: ServiceIdentifierStrategy)
extends ServiceIdentifierStrategy {
override def serviceIdentifier: Option[ServiceIdentifier] =
if (condition()) {
} else {