twitter-team 43cdcf2ed6 Open-sourcing Representation Manager
Representation Manager (RMS) serves as a centralized embedding management system, providing SimClusters or other embeddings as facade of the underlying storage or services.
2023-04-28 14:17:58 -05:00

27 lines
959 B

package com.twitter.representation_manager.columns
import com.twitter.strato.access.Access.LdapGroup
import com.twitter.strato.config.ContactInfo
import com.twitter.strato.config.FromColumns
import com.twitter.strato.config.Has
import com.twitter.strato.config.Prefix
import com.twitter.strato.config.ServiceIdentifierPattern
object ColumnConfigBase {
/****************** Internal permissions *******************/
val recosPermissions: Seq[com.twitter.strato.config.Policy] = Seq()
/****************** External permissions *******************/
// This is used to grant limited access to members outside of RP team.
val externalPermissions: Seq[com.twitter.strato.config.Policy] = Seq()
val contactInfo: ContactInfo = ContactInfo(
description = "Please contact Relevance Platform for more details",
contactEmail = "",
ldapGroup = "ldap",
jiraProject = "JIRA",
links = Seq("http://go/rms-runbook")